A cold, blustery, winter day is a great time to break out the board games and spend quality time with friends and family. Dogs love games too and since Catchphrase or Monopoly can be a challenge when you don't have opposable thumbs, your dog will sure appreciate you finding some games that cater to their most amazing physical feature....their NOSE!
Dieting is hard to do!
Snickers is not happy about me discussing her girlish figure in writing, on a public forum. Or maybe she just doesn't like the fact that I've somewhat randomly cut back on her daily quantity of food, training treats and snacks.
A Moving "Tail"!
I've had the opportunity over the last few days to keep a good friend's dogs, Charlie and Dakota, while the family moved from one house in town to another. My friend has been concerned about the stress that both dogs have been under due to all of the packing, real estate showings and schedule upheaval that a major move causes.
Engagement Series #3: The Training Trifecta
Tasha, Come! Tasha, COME! Come ON Tasha! Tasha, COME RIGHT NOW! GET over here...Tasha....RIGHT NOW!
Sit, Cody. Sit. Sit. Sit, Cody. SIT!
Sound familiar? Far too often, this type of "banter" is the primary way we try to communicate with our dogs.
The Freshman 10
Or technically, the "Teenage Dog 5". Last week, I began to notice that Snickers, my 20 month old "puppy" was looking a little, shall we say, "thicker"? So we got on the scale this morning and sure enough, she's gone from 42 lbs up to 47 lbs since the last time I weighed her, which was probably in October. Yikes!
Savvy Dog Defined
I was deathly afraid of dogs as a child. According to my parents, I could spot a dog blocks away and, as only a 3 year old can do, have a full blown meltdown. They suspected my fear began when a friend's German Shepherd nipped me, but they don't know for sure. When asked at church about my little scratch, I did proclaim "that damn Corky did it".